Reno – We’re Coming Back – April 5!

National Automobile Museum
Reno, Nevada
Saturday, April 5, 2025

12:30pm – 4:30pm

Tickets: $20 adults / $10 children (6-16)

Can’t Join Us? Participate Virtually!

More info below.

Together We’re Teaming Up For Parkinson’s!

We’re coming back to Reno for Music & Motion 2.0 and we’re getting the band back together, honoring music and Parkinson’s with continued involvement from Rasheda Ali, Dr. Deanna Brown Thomas, Shelby Hall and Vanessa Williams! But this time we’re focusing on the community with a very special celebration during Parkinson’s Awareness Month, featuring a curated collection of prominent cars both inside and out with a 5-Gallery Tour of the museum, paralleled by a Virtual 5K fundraising walk or run nationwide !

At our LIVE community event on April 5th, you can expect a day full of sharing, bonding and just plain fun at Reno’s National Automobile Museum.

Your entry fee – $20 adults / $10 children – includes:

  • Full access to the National Automobile Museum and special 5 Gallery Event Passport!
  • Adobe Road Winery tasting, plus food trucks on-site.
  • Linda Ronstadt’s “The Sound of My Voice” documentary will be shown in the theatre.
  • Meet Dr. Deanna Brown Thomas (daughter of the “Godfather of Soul” James Brown), plus presentation + Q&A.
  • Meet Reno’s own Shelby Hall, off-road racer and granddaughter of “Off-Road Hall of Fame” inductee Rod Hall.
  • Outdoor “Show and Shine” car show with Awards.
  • Interactive Rock Steady Boxing demonstration.
  • Raffle prizes including Golden Knights tickets, gift cards, JBL audio, autographed memorabilia, and more.
  • Live caricaturist.
  • TEN Country Radio 97.3 FM live remote with giveaways.

…and more fun activities for the whole family!

Whether You Join In-Person or Virtually
Your participation is easy as 1-2-3!


Sign Up using one of the big orange “Join” buttons from the four Teams below!


Create your own individual fundraising page on the Drive Toward a Cure website and gain donations – all donors immediately receive their own tax receipt. And just for creating YOUR page, you’ll receive a signed Kelly Telfer 11″x14″ fine art print of your choice ($60 value) – with a BONUS gift for you from Griot’s Garage once you raise your first $100.


Get your own mobility going and join us LIVE in Reno or take your Virtual 5K walk any day in April, as others nationwide will be doing, either individually or with a group of friends

The more you participate, the more chances you’ll have to win prizes for yourself!

Individual prizes for donation milestone levels

Individual prizes for social media sharing

Individual prize for largest fundraiser ($1,000 or more)

Join A Team!

Join our team leaders Rasheda, Deanna, Shelby, and Vanessa, as we collectively support the Parkinson’s Community through a day of cars, mobility and music –for all to enjoy!

Each of our ‘team leaders’ are not just friends of, and advocates for, Parkinson’s – but have ties to music AND/OR motion – with iconic legacies driving their passion toward education, outreach and hope for those with Parkinson’s.

Both Rasheda and Shelby are connoisseurs of motion – whether in the boxing ring or on off-road trails – with a father and a grandfather who were champions of Parkinson’s. Muhammad Ali and Rod Hall proved that people with Parkinson’s can do great things, and both were elite in their fields – with Ali earning 3 heavyweight titles, and Hall’s legendary racing career spanning more than 40 years.

With a love for music and dance, Deanna and Vanessa are creating their own music legacy – Deanna utilizing the worldwide enthusiasm for her dad, the ‘Godfather of Soul’ James Brown, to provide classes and music scholarships through her Foundation – and Vanessa’s own award-winning musical and dance talents showcased through her Grammy’s and Broadway shows to her current London lead in ‘The Devil Wears Prada,” – voices and dance beyond compare!

By joining one of their teams, you’ll be bringing awareness to Parkinson’s and helping us to focus on the importance of mobility and motor skills for everyone, as well as playing an important role in much-needed funding for those requiring extra assistance.

“The Greatest” Team

Benefitting the Muhammad Ali Parkinson Center at the Barrow Neurological Institute in Phoenix, AZ. Led by Actress, Author and Daughter of Muhammad Ali,

Rasheda Ali

The “Feel Good” Team

Benefitting the Central Savannah River Area (CSRA) Parkinson Support Group in Aiken, SC, home area to the James Brown Foundation. Led by Radio and TV Personality, Actress, Entrepreneur, and Daughter of the “Godfather of Soul” James Brown,

Dr. Deanna Brown Thomas

Reno’s “Biggest Little Team”

Benefitting the Parkinson Support Center of Northern Nevada (PSCNN). Led by Off-Road Professional, Adventure Creator, and Granddaughter of Off-Road Titan Rod Hall,

Shelby Hall

We Can Mobilize The “Legs” Team

Benefitting the “Access to Care” Fund for Drive Toward a Cure to benefit regional Parkinson Foundation Centers of Excellence nationwide. Led by Award-Winning Singer, Actress, and Producer,

Vanessa Williams

Rasheda Ali is known as much for her acting and writing as she is for being the daughter of the famed, undisputed heavyweight boxing champion Muhammad Ali, who lived with Parkinson’s for over 30 years. She is an internationally known Speaker, and PD Advocate who wrote, “I’ll Hold Your Hand So You Won’t Fall – A Child’s Guide to Parkinson’s Disease”, inspired by her children and her father.

Dr. Deanna Brown Thomas is daughter of the legendary “Godfather of Soul” James Brown, a humanitarian, entrepreneur, radio & TV personality, actress, writer, and President of The James Brown Family Foundation (JBFF). Dr. Brown Thomas was named Ambassador for “Feed the Hungry” because of her continuous work to provide food to those who are food insecure.

Shelby Hall comes from a family history of off-road racing excellence. She is a proud multi-time Baja 1000 class champion, Rebelle Rally X-Cross winner, business owner, and athlete. Her grandfather, Rod Hall, was a pioneer in off-road motorsports and set many records. Rod was diagnosed with a Parkinsonian disease in 2014, and continued to race alongside his sons, Chad and Josh Hall, and Shelby, until his final race in 2017 at age 80.

Vanessa Williams is one of the most respected and multi-faceted performers in the entertainment industry today. Having sold millions of records worldwide, Vanessa has also achieved numerous #1 and Top 10 hits on various Billboard Album and Singles charts, from Pop, Dance, R&B, Adult Contemporary to Holiday, Latin, Gospel and Jazz. She has a long history of advocacy for a variety of causes, and is participating in her 2nd year with Music & Motion to support Parkinson’s.

…in association with the National Automobile Museum, Reno, NV…

…with the Driving Force Club.

Relive An Evening of Music & Motion 2024

Whether you were able to join us at the National Automobile Museum in Reno, or not, we hope you’ll enjoy the full Conversation for a Cause, moderated by Vanessa Williams, and featuring three amazing women – legacies of some of some of the greatest in their fields: Rasheda Ali Walsh, daughter of “The Greatest”, Muhammad Ali; Dr. Deanna Brown Thomas, daughter of “The Godfather of Soul”, James Brown; and Shelby Hall, granddaughter or off-road racing pioneer, Rod Hall.

Event Program


Chock-full of great stories, we hope you’ll enjoy reading our Event Program, with our compliments. (22.1MB)

Event Photos

Browse a selection of photos from the Music & Motion event held at the National Automobile Musuem, Reno on April 18, 2024.

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